The First Day with Luxor and Qena, Page 1>Best breed in the world
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The most recent page for Luxor, Qena, and Cairo: Monroe Show 2003 November 15, 2003
The most recent New Pups page: Puppy Gathering April 27, 2003
The New Pups Index The Basenji Search Home Page
Introducing two new members of our family...
Luxor the handsome and dashing tri-color male,
Qena the little red female with the tiny white spot on her back.
These two adorable basenjis joined us on February 22, 2002. What a day of joy!
Luxor and Qena
10 Weeks Old, The First Day in Their New Home
Cascade Hound Association Show
Introducing the three newest members of our family
Luxor's and Qena's
Qena delivered three strong puppies on Luxor's first birthday, Tuesday December 17 - just one day after her own first birthday! What wonderful presents!
To follow the new Pups, go to the New Pups Index
EBC Specialty and Western WA Hound Show
BCOA National Specialty and Willamette Valley Basenji Club Specialty 2003
How it all began with finding Luxor and Qena...
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Last modified: November 28, 2003
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